"Hey, uh.. Court? I am SO sorry, but..."
*in my best attempted it's-10-o'clock-on-a-friday-morning-but-I'm-just-gonna-pretend-as-though-I-got-out-of-bed-by-choice act* "Goooood mornin' buttercup, what's up. You wouldn't be calling me before noon if something wasn't up."
"...you got me. I'm assuming you're already starting to open up but do you think... would you mind coming back at three or four and working all night?"
*long pause* "Jax..." [except it was in my sarcastic, over-exaggerated tone of voice and not my bitchy employee one]
"I know, I know, just work with me, [insert boss's husband's name here] just got called in and I have no one to watch the kids and..."
"Oh, get your butt in here. Oh, and you owe me one."
And that's how my morning got started. Not to mention a mere three minutes later I looked down to see my phone vibrating and picked it up only to be welcomed with a: "You like white chocolate lattes, right?" My disorganized and involuntary boss at it again, and this time determined to redeem herself at least. Psh, working over employees with their favorite morning snack, is that even legal? An utter waste of 7 miles of gas and one hot coffee fix later, and I was one tired/moody/delighted girl. At least I got a nice and hot caffeinated apology out of it, right? (I also failed to mention that she conveniently managed to time her call when I was already 95% of the way through opening up the shop. Extra brownie points for me for not screaming in frusteration and going with the flow instead?)
On a separate note, TGIF, and I cannot say that any louder/type that any more noticeable. Ah, there's just something about that distinct feeling of waking up and having the first thought pop in your mind be that it's the last day of the week I have to use an alarm. On the brightside, and I should buying my boss's ass coffee for this one since she's to blame, the clock has yet to strike noon and I'm up and ready to take on the day - dressed, fed, sitting down to blog my morning away with my coffee fix in hand, and even almost awake. It's going to be a good day, ladies, so my instinct says at least. My schedule calls for me to go in again by 3, and if business is as slow as it is half the time, that just means I'll have another five hours to blog my life away. And find a minute to sweep in there, of course.
What about you guys, stuck with the getting-weekend-plans-in-order-while-procrastinating-at-work syndrome yet? Any exciting details or stories in your day so far? I'm in the best and yet most chill/relaxed mood ever, and happy hour hasn't even hit so I'm convinced, and crossing my fingers, that today's just going to be one of those allday good-mooders, and for your sake, hopefully it's contagious. Chances are ya'll will hearing from me continuously throughout the day seeing as work is currently SLOW and wonderful and not too demanding these days, but if not, make it a fantastic weekend and be ready to get your lovely selves back here come Monday with some worthwhile and entertaining stories/awkward moments/juicy girltalk we can all soak up, and knowing me, relate to.