Monday, January 5, 2009

Betrayal of what birth promised us.

I am someone, with something, going somewhere. I'm convinced honesty gets you wherever you are meant to be in life. I have a worthy future somewhere down the pathway that I'm slowly treading upon, and I may not see it now, but I think that's my fault. I'm always waiting for this big epiphany to happen, just bam! and just like that I'll know what I want, how to chase after it, who I'm supposed to be, have all the answers. You know, life's not like that though. Instead we were created to stumble and fall and get dirty, and pick ourselves up, drenched in dust and sin and guilt and mistakes and wash ourselves off. We were made to travel down the wrong pathways and catch ourselves and turn back around, making our footsteps, our own path, our own life, and hoping a light will be shone upon our path to guide us home. Our strength derives only from trials made to test how strong we really can be when it comes down to it. It's like we never know the definition of our character until something happens in life that puts it to the test. People don't walk in our lives for no reason, shit doesn't happen with no purpose behind it. It's all one big cycle of tests and failures and happiness, the good the bad, the ugly days and the beautiful. Slipping and then catching yourself when you slip. Just gotta keep that head held high and aim higher each and every day.

I've been slipping lately and I forgot howta breathe. I'm struggling down this dark path, down on my knees and unable to achieve anything halfway wonderful. All I'm seeking anymore is for life to look up, the sun to shine, hope to reign. I'm giving everything half the effort I used to, and I get it, it's simply a phase and everyone goes through it. But this tunnel has no end, no escape and I scare myself more and more everyday. All I need is light to awaken my senses, something wonderful and hopeful and refreshing and good.

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